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About Us

Jeff Turner Sr., President and CEO


My name is Jeffery F. Turner, Senior.  I am the owner, President, and Chief Executive Officer of a new Ohio corporation, Turner Strategic Advisory Group.  I would like to highlight my prior experience:


  • Advisor and consultant to many elected and public officials

  • Former owner and operator of Turner Rental Properties

  • Former owner and operator of Turner Online Sales, specializing in the sale and distribution of windows and doors

  • Former employee of Pella Windows and Doors (11 years)

  • Former police officer and special police officer for Highland Hills and Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (20+ years of law enforcement experience)

  • Project manager, City of Cleveland Police and Community Relations Board for Mayor Michael

    R. White and Mayor Jane Campbell


I managed all transportation logistics and security for my wife, former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner’s 2014 bid for Ohio Secretary of State, 2010 bid for Ohio Senate, and 2001 and 2004 bids for Cleveland City Council.


Together we have established a network of business and political relationships throughout Ohio.  During our travels in the 2014 campaign for Ohio Secretary of State we saw the tremendous need for new and improved public policy that will bring educators, industry and labor leaders, elected officials, and others together to build interdependent local, regional, and national infrastructures and a pipeline to improve the quality and capacity of our nation’s skilled workforce.


My mission is to help bring these groups together to change public policy and close the various gaps separating them to reduce the severe negative impact of economic and income inequality. 


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